Nowadays, Konjac noodles have gained popularity worldwide due to their low carb, low calorie, gluten free, fat free, and sugar free characteristics. However, an intriguing question arises: what is the difference between konjac noodles and shirataki noodles?
Actually, Konjac noodles and shirataki noodles are identical products, both crafted from water and konjac flour, differing only in name.
“魔芋(Konjac)” carries the meaning of ‘demon’ or ‘devil’, originating from the diverse forms and peculiar biological characteristics of plants in the Amorphophallus genus. Regarding its unique economic component, glucomannan, which possesses certain distinct physicochemical properties compared to other plant gums and seems almost ‘magical’, ancient Chinese people referred to it as “鬼芋(konjac)” . The Compendium of Materia Medica mentions: “In Jiangnan, there is the Bai 蒟蒻(Juruo) produced by Wu, also known as ‘鬼芋(konjac)’.” The 1979 edition of Cihai (Sea of Words) records it as “魔芋(konjac), also known as 蒟蒻”; while the 1979 edition of the Chinese Higher Plants Taxonomy and Genus Index lists it as “魔芋(konjac), Amorphophallus in the Araceae family”. After the name “蒟蒻” fell out of use among the general populace, it was referred to as 魔芋 or 磨芋, and as “魔” and “磨” sound similar in Chinese, it is collectively known as “魔芋(konjac).”
The other common name for the konjac noodle is shirataki noodle. It means “white waterfall” in Japanese, a moniker given because the noodles look translucent and almost like cascading water when poured into a bowl.
Don’t be surprised if you see shirataki noodles referred to by different names. If any of the following terms are used, rest assured we’re talking about shirataki:
Ito konnyaku (Japanese: 糸こんにゃく)
Konjac yam noodles
Miracle noodles
Devil’s tongue noodles
Skinny pasta
Konjak nudeln
Slim pasta
shirataki pasta noodles
miracle noodle rice
shirataki miracle noodles
miracle noodle rice
glucomannan noodles
shirataki noodles rice
shirataki rice
miracle noodles shirataki
miracle rice
carb zero noodles
konnyaku plant
konjac pasta
diabetic friendly pasta
konjac powder
konjac flour
konjac plant root
konjac root plant
Les nouilles de konjac
곤약면 (gon-yak-myeon)
Коньячные лапша (Konyachnye lapsha)
Fideos de konjac
Noodles di konjac
Macarrão de konjac
Konjac rezance
Konjac nudler
Les nouilles Shirataki
시라타끼면 (shiratakkimyeon)
Шира таки лапша (Shira taki lapsha)
Fideos Shirataki
Noodles Shirataki
Macarrão Shirataki
Shirataki rezance
Shirataki nudler
The following nutrition information for 100g per serving shirataki noodles.
Energy : 35kJ/8.4(kcal)
Fat: <0.1g
Carbohydrate: 0.2g
Dietary Fibre: 3.9g
Protein: 0g
Sodium: 2.8mg
Shirataki noodles carbs
With very few carbs per serving (all of which are from fiber), shirataki noodles are an option for people who need to follow a low-carb diet but still want to eat pasta dishes. They contain a beneficial type of soluble fiber called glucomannan that isn’t digested in the small intestine. With almost no usable carbohydrates, they don’t cause blood sugar to rise and have a glycemic index of 0.
Shirataki noodles fat
Shirataki noodles are naturally fat-free.
Shirataki noodles calories
Shirataki noodles have 8.4 calories in a100g serving, all of which come from fiber based carbohydrates.
Shirataki noodles for weight loss
Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that swells to many times its original volume when combined with water. It forms a gel-like mass in your digestive tract that might help you feel fuller after eating and could keep food in your stomach longer.
Shirataki noodles for diabetics
Shirataki noodles are sugar free,it’s very suitable for diabete.
Shirataki noodles keto
There are 0.2 grams of net carbs per 100g. The noodles are full of indigestible dietary fiber which means no carbohydrates or calories, making them the perfect base for a keto meal.
Shirataki noodles gluten free
shirataki noodles are a suitable alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. As they are made from the konjac yam, they do not contain gluten, making them a safe choice for those who need to adhere to a gluten free diet.
Shirataki noodles are one of those types of keto foods that give you the freedom to take things in any direction. Whether you want to replicate the flavors of your favorite pasta dish or you want to try something new entirely, here are some of our favorite recipes that are bound to tantalize your taste buds:
Keto Beef and Vegetable Konjac Rice Salad
Keto Passion Fruit Spicy Konjac Noodles
Keto Konjac Noodles with Shredded Chicken
For easy, delicious ideas on how to prepare these versatile noodles, check out our Youtube of keto-friendly shirataki noodle recipes.
Konjac noodles are not banned worldwide; they are actually widely available in numerous supermarkets and health food stores. However, there is confusion surrounding konjac products due to the ban on konjac jelly.
Konjac jelly is a jelly-like substance made from the konjac yam. It is often used as a thickener or a gelling agent in food products. However, konjac jelly has been linked to choking deaths in several countries, including Japan and South Korea. The jelly has a unique texture that makes it difficult to swallow, especially for young children and the elderly.
In response to these safety concerns, several countries including Australia, the USA, and the UK have issued directives to ban the sale of konjac jelly. These bans aim to protect consumers from the potential choking hazards associated with konjac jelly.
If you are interested in distributing or wholesaling shirataki noodles, please feel free to contact us at info@lovekonjac.com to inquire about factory pricing directly.
Alternatively, if you are looking to purchase shirataki noodles for personal use and are unsure of where to buy them, you can contact info@lovekonjac.com. We can share information with you on where to find shirataki noodles.
We maintain a rigorous production process for our products, ensuring quality from the transportation of raw materials to the final processing stages. Our konjac noodles go through multiple quality checks to ensure that every package you receive is of the highest quality
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